
Alginate Oligosaccharide

Alginate oligosaccharides is a functional oligosaccharide made from brown algae through certain pyrolysis technology. It is the highest active fragment in brown algae raw materials.’ The degree of polym-erization is generally 2-10. It is an excel-lent synergist with many advantages such as small dosage, high activity, safety and efficiency, good mixabilty, strong thermal stability, etc. It can be mixed with calcium and magnesium without flocculation and sedimentation.

Form Dosage
Powder Foliar Spray: 6-7.5g/ha; Inigation : 60-75g/ha
Liquid Foliar Spray:1822.5m/ha;Irigation:180-225ml/ha


Alginate oligosaccharides is a functional oligosaccharide made from brown algae through certain pyrolysis technology. It is the highest active fragment in brown algae raw materials.' The degree of polym-erization is generally 2-10. It is an excel-lent synergist with many advantages such as small dosage, high activity, safety and efficiency, good mixabilty, strong thermal stability, etc. It can be mixed with calcium and magnesium without flocculation and sedimentation.


Promote crop growth, induce plants to synthesize IAA, take root and germinate quickly, and grow rapidly.
Promote the synthesis of ABA (abscisic acid) and giberellin, and significantly improve the ability of plants to resist drought, cold, high temperature, salinity, water logging and viruses.
Inhibit phytopathogenic bacteria, increase fertilizer efficiency and reduce phytotox-icity.
Protect flowers and fruits, and promote color conversion.
Promote the absorption and transport of ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen,as well as the synthesis of amino acids and proteins.
Promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms.


Powder:Foliar Spray: 6-7.5g/ha; Inigation : 60-75g/ha
Liquid:Foliar Spray:18-22 .5m/ha;Irigation :180-225ml/ha