
Report on use of CityMax products on lettuce

- Field experiment crop: lettuce
- Field experimental products: humic acid, amino acids and seaweed multi-source biostimulants
- Field experiment location: Songming County, Yunnan Province, China
- Field experiment time: January 6 to January 23, 2021
- Field experiment method: set up 1 experimental groups and 1 control groups; the experimental group is sprayed at 1000 times for the 1st time, and second time is sprayed at 750 times.

Before the field test

CASE (1)

Experimental Group(Sprayed 1000 times solution)

5 days after the 1st fertilization: January 11, 2021

CASE (2)

Control Group(sprayed at 750 times)

CASE (7)

CASE (6)

After 1000 times foliar spray, the leaves of the experimental group were larger, greener, and less yellow. The growth of lettuce is obviously better than that of the control group

5 days after the 2nd fertilization: January 23, 2021

Experimental group(Sprayed 1000 times solution)

CASE (4)

Control group(sprayed at 750 times)

CASE (5)

The leaves of the rapeseed are darker green, wider and thicker, and the yield increase effect is obvious.

CASE (3)

CASE (8)

Summary of field trials:
After sprayed 1000times solution and 750 times solution, compared with the control group:
1. The leaves of lettuce are more dark green, wider and thicker. The effect of increasing production is obvious
2. The overall growth of lettuce is better, and there is no phenomenon of yellow leaf edge.
3. The uniformity of the rapeseed field is good, and the commodity rate is higher.

Post time: Nov-30-2022
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