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Application period of humic acid foliar fertilizer

1. When crops are deficient in nutrients: spray humic acid foliar fertilizer when crops are deficient, because humic acid has a certain degree of complexation, which can activate iron, manganese, zinc, copper and other trace elements to promote better nutrient absorption Utilization, so that the crops resume normal growth.

2. Soil problems: the prominent role of humic acid is to improve soil compaction and regulate soil problems, such as acid-base imbalance using humic acid to improve soil mechanism, improve soil fertility, and prevent premature aging due to insufficient nutrients.

3. Increasing disease resistance, using humic acid foliar fertilizer when crops occur diseases and insect pests can improve the effect of pesticide control, and can supplement the deficiency of nutrients, so that crops can quickly resume normal growth and development.

4. Improving growth, crops grow excessively due to excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer, and it is not easy to bloom or produce humic acid foliar fertilizer. It can improve the physiological barriers of crops, so that the vegetative growth and reproductive growth of plants can develop in harmony, which is conducive to obtaining higher yield.

.Here are some photos of them:

Post time: Jul-13-2020
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