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The effect of over-reliance on chemical fertilizers on the soil

1. Chemical fertilizers do not contain organic matter and humic acid. Therefore, after a large amount of chemical fertilizers are used, the soil aggregate structure is destroyed due to the lack of organic matter and humic matter, resulting in soil compaction.
2. The utilization rate of chemical fertilizers is low. For example, nitrogen fertilizers are volatile, and the utilization rate is only 30%-50%. Phosphorus fertilizers are chemically active and the utilization rate is lower, only 10%-25%, and the utilization rate of potassium is only 50%.
3. The growth of crops requires a variety of trace elements, and the general composition of chemical fertilizers is single, which can easily cause nutritional imbalance in crops and reduce the quality of vegetables and fruits.
4. Extensive use of chemical fertilizers can easily cause the nitrate content in vegetables to exceed the standard. Combining with other substances will form carcinogens and endanger human health.
5. The extensive use of chemical fertilizers has also caused a large number of deaths of beneficial soil bacteria and earthworms.
6. Long-term inefficient application of chemical fertilizers often causes excessive accumulation of certain elements in the soil and changes in soil physical and chemical properties, resulting in environmental pollution.
7. The more chemical fertilizers are used, the lower the geographical advantage, and then the more reliance on chemical fertilizers, forming a vicious circle.
8. One-third of the country’s farmers over-fertilize their crops, increasing farmers’ investment in farming, making the phenomenon of “increasing production but not increasing income” more and more serious.
9. Excessive use of chemical fertilizers makes the properties of agricultural products poor, easy to rot, and difficult to store.
10. Excessive use of chemical fertilizers can easily cause crops to fall, resulting in reduced grain production, or occurrence of pests and diseases.

Post time: Oct-23-2019
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