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What is a biostimulant?

What is a biostimulant?
EBIC’s definition:
Plant biostimulants means a material which contains substance(s) and/or microorganisms whose function, when applied to plants or the rhizosphere, is to stimulate natural processes to enhance/benefit nutrient uptake, nutrient efficiency, tolerance to abiotic stress, and crop quality, independent of its nutrient content.

Five Contributions to Sustainable Agriculture:
1. Increasing quality & yield
2. Boosting crop resilience
3. Reducing nutrient losses
4. Improving the food chain
5. Enhancing water conservation

What role do biostimulants play in plant nutrition?
Plant nutrition is an important factor in plant health. In the same way that humans need vitamins and enzymes as well as minerals, plants need biostimulants in addition to fertilizers, to boost their vitality and reach their full potential.
Plants absorb nutrition through their roots in the same way humans digest food through their intestines.
A common effect of biostimulants is to stimulate root development. This helps plants access more nutrients and water in the soil.

How do biostimulants work?
Biostimulants affect interactions inside the plant and between the plant and the beneficial microorganisms around it.
Biostimulants stimulate natural processes to benefit nutrient uptake & efficiency. They also help improve crop quality and tolerance to abiotic stress, such as tough climate conditions or lack of water.
Biostimulants are an additional tool in farmers’ toolboxes alongside fertilisers and plant protection products.

What are biostimulants made of ?
Common ingredients in biostimulants include:
1. Microorganisms
2. Plant and seaweed extracts
3. Amino acids
4. Humic acids
5. Mineral salts and some chemicals.

Post time: Nov-01-2022
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