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  • Methyl 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Hydrochloride Methyl 5-ALA HCl 99%TC

    5-Aminolevulinic Acid

    5 aminolevulinic acid (5-AL A or AL Afor short), mo-lecular formula C5H9N03. It is an essential precur-sor for the biosynthesis of tetrapyrrole compounds such as heme, chlorophyll, and vitamin B12, and is important for plant photosynthesis and cellular energy metabolism Impact.

  • 100% Water Soluble plant amino acid 50%

    Max PlantAmino50 CL

    MAX PlantAmino50 CL is a plant based amino acid derived from soybean.

  • High content free amino acid chelated with B

    Max PlantAmino B

    MAX PlantAmino B is a plant based product, chelated with micro elements of  B, which is totally soluble in water.

  • Agriculture use Organic Amino Acid Calcium

    Max PlantAmino Ca

    You can see all Amino acid chelated products here. MAX PlantAminoCa is a plant based product, chelated with micro elements of Ca, which is totally soluble in water.

    Other plant source Amino acid chelated elements products are available. Click here to download all the Data Sheets for Amino acid chelated products.